Monday, January 27, 2014

Beauty In Pain

The last time I posted, I was so grateful for the first day of school and how well my classes were going to be for the semester. Little did I know that happiness would be temporary. Long story, short: All my classes were erased because "my glorious HBCU" did not receive the money that we paid months in advance for tuition. Being the perfectionist I am, frustration barely scraped the surface of how I felt. Nevertheless, I was put in a situation where I had to go talk to each teacher and attempt to get my class back. My end result was getting five of my six classes back which is only by the grace of God. During my week long challenge to get my class schedule back, I faced oppression and doubt. One instance for example, the director of the department was so rude. As I tried to explain how the situation was not my fault, she really didn't care. She basically told me it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get my class back. But she does not know the God I serve. Not only did I get the class back, I got the last spot in the class which had just opened up because the class was class was full previously.  Only God. I am beyond grateful. That week was painful. I was told no so many times. Emails that I needed for people to answer were never answered (and remain unanswered). But overall, there is so much beauty in pain. This test was God saying "Alright. Now you've been building a strong relationship with Me. But can you trust Me that this will work out. Will you trust me?" And I did. I gave it to Him. I gave Him everything and He worked it out for the good.

So if you are going through a painful whirlwind of a situation. Leave it to the Big Man upstairs. Only good can come out of a situation if you trust him. So I leave you with this verse:

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7
(Awesome song that was on replay during this time! Trust in Him)

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